March 5, 2016

Vera's Cookbook 2016

It has been almost two years since I updated Vera's Cookbook last time.

After having decided to resume my blog, I thought about giving an up-to-date look to Vera’s Cookbook.

First thing that came to mind was to change the blog template with a new one by using another blog platform provider. However, if I move to another platform provider, I am going to lose many contents and comments that I have in my current blog. So, the answer was no.

Then I thought, instead of changing the outside appearance, I should update the form of the contents with something… something the viewers would be more interested in, something more current, something easier to approach. Streaming movies or videos, maybe?

Even for me, most of the recipes that I posted in Vera’s Cookbook... is long, way too long. It is because I tried to explain all the details in words and pictures. I found out it is way easier to present the details in a video, and the recipes with videos attracted larger audience (readers) than ones with just text & photos. For example, my heart-shaped macaron recipe is the most popular recipe in Vera’s Cookbook. Click here to read "Macaron... Heart Macaron!" from February 2012.

I tested the idea of making recipe videos with my equipment called the iPhone - The result was not bad at all! :) I am still in the testing phase - trying to make the movies as simple and short as possible.

Please stay tuned, and wait for my next post, which will have some movies... yeah! I am so excited to start my blog again.

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