July 15, 2013

Bijou - one of my favorite cocktail

I found making cocktail is somewhat similar to cooking foods. You have a base liquor, which is kind of 'main ingredient', and add many flavors to create a complete cocktail.

Today, I want to share one of my favorite cocktail, Bijou... which is one of the classic gin-based cocktails.

Bijou means 'jewel' in French, and reflects the three colors from diamond (gin), ruby (red vermouth) and emerald (green Chartreuse). The dry but juniper berries flavored gin mixed with super herbaceous green Chartreuse and sweet vermouth creates a deep-flavored yet still crisp and delicious cocktail.

Let's make Bijou like a bartender at home, to enjoy on a couch!

Combine gin(1oz), sweet red vermouth(1oz), green Chartreuse(1oz) and a dash of orange bitters in a large cup filled with ice cubes. Stir well for about 20 seconds. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. With a vegetable peeler, make a long lemon peel. Slice it thinly then roll it over a pen to make a lemon twist. Garnish the cocktail with the lemon twist.

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