April 26, 2013

Spaghetti with Calamari & Artichoke

It is artichoke season! I've never seen an artichoke before I came to the US. When I first found out that artichoke is a 'vegetable', I wondered how on earth someone found out about the tasty artichoke heart under the spiky green leaves. It is little bit of work to clean the artichoke, but please try it... it is worthwhile. :)

Today I am posting one of my favorite easy pasta recipe which can highlight artichoke. Please use fresh seasonal ingredients that make harmonious flavor when you make a simple pasta - the pasta will be tasty!

Spaghetti with Calamari & Artichoke
(Yield: 2 servings / Cooking time: 40 minutes)

+ 170g spaghetti (85g per serving)
+ two calamaris, (body: cut into rings, tentacles: cut into bite sizes)
+ one large artichoke
+ one lemon
+ a few sprigs of parsley
+ 1/4 tsp of red pepper flakes*
+ 2-3 cloves of garlic
+ sun-dried tomato
+ salt and pepper
+ olive oil
+ dry white wine

* If you don't like spicy pasta, please add only a pinch of red pepper flakes.

1. Slice garlic cloves thinly, and cut sun-dried tomatoes into bite sizes.

If you are not sure how to clean an artichoke, here I will show you how!
2-1. First, tear off the rough green outer leaves. Please be careful - the thorn at the tip of each leaf is very sharp.
2-2. Cut off the top...
2-3. Peel any rough skins, until you can see the white inner flesh.
2-4. When you peel, artichoke flesh changes its color to brown really quickly. Please rub lemon when you peel the green parts to keep the artichoke flesh white.
2-5. Cut the artichoke in half.
2-6. Then, scoop out the fuzzy hairy "choke" in the middle of artichoke with a spoon to avoid uncomfortable mouthfeel.
2-7. Depending on how rough the inner leaves are, cut off the top again. If the artichoke is young, you can eat more parts of the inner leaves.
2-8. Slice the cleaned artichoke.

3. Boil a pot of water for spaghetti. When the water fully boils, add enough salt and cook spaghetti to al dente(slightly undercooked). While the pasta is cooking, prepare the calamari & artichoke... (next steps).

4. In a pan, sweat garlic slices with olive oil over medium heat. When oil is infused with garlic, add sliced artichoke and sundried tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Please continue to sauté until the artichoke is cooked.

5. Add calamari rings and tentacles into the pan, sauté the calamari. Then pour about a half cup of dry white wine and add red pepper flakes. Reduce the wine until almost dry.

6. Transfer cooked spaghetti into the pan where calamaris and artichoke are. Toss the spaghetti well to cover the pasta with sauce adequately.

7. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley on top, and serve immediately.


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