November 24, 2012

Korean Style Mocha Bread

One of my favorite bread in Korea is Mocha bread, moist and slightly sweet bread with gentle coffee flavor. Unfortunately, it is hard to find mocha bread in the US... so, what do you think I did? Of course... I baked it. :)

Mocha bread's mild and sweet coffee flavor can be a perfect match with a cup of coffee. Please enjoy the bread for your next breakfast!

Mocha Bread
(Yield: 2 loaves of mocha bread / Cooking time: 4 hours)

Mocha Bread
+ 260g bread flour
+ 30g sugar
+ 5g salt (=1tsp kosher salt)
+ 1tsp instant coffee*
+ 5g instant dry yeast
+ 25g butter, soften at room temperature
+ 100g whole milk (room temperature)
+ 50g water (room temperature)
+ 40g walnut, chopped
+ 30g golden raisins

+ 45g butter, room temperature
+ 25g sugar
+ one half egg yolk
+ 12g whole milk
+ 93g all-purpose flour
+ 2g baking powder
+ 2g instant coffee*

* I used Starbucks decaf Italian Roast coffee powder.

1. Mix all the ingredients under 'Mocha Bread', EXCEPT walnut and golden raisins. Work the dough until the gluten is formed (at mid-speed for about 7-8 minutes with KitchenAid mixer). To check if your dough develops enough gluten, you can do "window pane test". Pull a handful of dough between your hands while rotating the dough. Enough gluten is formed if you can pull it into film-like thin dough through which you can see light.

2. When gluten is formed, now it is time for bulk fermentation. Form a ball with the dough, and place it in a lightly greased bowl. Cover the dough with lightly greased plastic wrap and leave at room temperature... or, if the room temperature is too cold, let the dough sit in a warm area until the dough increases in volume by 2 times. About 1.5 hours.

While the mocha bread dough is proofing, make the crust.
3-1. Mix butter and sugar together until the butter becomes creamy and fluffy.
3-2. Add egg yolk, and mix well.
3-3. Sift flour, baking powder, and coffee into the bowl. Mix the dry ingredients with butter and egg yolk mixture, and then add milk to form dough.
3-4. Place the dough in a refrigerator.

4-1. When the dough has proofed, divide the dough into two pieces of same size. Form balls and rest them for 15 minutes.
4-2. Roll the dough and spread chopped walnut and golden raisins.
4-3. Roll the dough toward the top.
4-4. Make sure the seam is closed tightly, and place on a baking sheet.

5. It is now time for final fermentation. Cover the two loaves loosely with plastic wrap, and let the dough ferment for 1 hour at room temperature or warm area if the room is cold, until the dough 'almost' doubles its size. Also, during the second fermentation, preheat your oven at 355°F (180°C).

6. Take out the crust dough from the refridgerator, and divide the crust dough into two. Work the dough until it is smooth again, and roll it to 3mm thick. Spray water on the loaves lightly, then cover the top of the loaves with rolled crust. Let the covered dough ferment for another 30 minutes.

7. Place the loaves in the oven, and bake for 30 minutes. The crust will crack like the picture below. Let the bread cool down on a wired rack for about 15 minutes, and slice.



  1. You are welcome! It is my pleasure. :)

  2. Vera, this looks amazing. I cannot wait to try my hand at it!

    1. Thanks! You can read this recipe in Korean as well! ;)

  3. thanks a lot vera ! i've been long time search for this type of crust (yours is looks like soboro pan's crust). really..
    thank you! #hugs

  4. Hi Vera, I tried your bread yesterday. However, I couldn't get the crust to stick on the bread when cut. Do you have any idea why? Thanks, Regina

    1. AnonymousJune 18, 2015

      I had the same problem! My crust didn't crack, either :( Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    2. Probably, you can fix the problem spraying little more water on the dough before covering it with the crust. Hope this helps you.

  5. Hi Vera,
    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I needed it for my husband who wanted make it for long time, but needed one in English. This will be a great help for him. Hugs.

    1. Seon hwa do you have a recipe fot the mocha cream?
