May 17, 2010

Breakfast or Afternoon Snack at Financier

My husband and I love to go to Financier Patisserie at Cedar Street during weekend. The patisserie is not that crowded but vibrant with young people who live around the area. It is a perfect place to read your weekend newspaper and enjoy a cup of coffee and simple breakfast.

In most cases, our choice for breakfast is 'Crêpe with Banana and Nutella'.

Not just as a breakfast - sometimes we just stop by Financier Patisserie for afternoon snack. One day, we (again) stopped by Financier Patisserie to have a crêpe, but the cashier told us the kitchen was closed and we could only have baked pastries. Hum... then, I thought 'why don't we make it at home? it is a simple dish!'.

Fruit Salad and Crêpe with Banana and Nutella
Great as Breakfast with Coffee or Afternoon Snack

(Yield: 4 servings / Cooking time: about an hour*)
*If you make crêpe batter in advance, cooking time can be shortened to 30 minutes.

[Fruit Salad]
+ Strawberries, Black berries, Blue berries, Green grapes; cut into bite size.
*You can choose any of your favorite fruits.

[Crêpe with Banana and Nutella]
+ 60g all-purpose flour (~ a half cup of flour)
+ 15g sugar (~ 3 & 1/2 tsp)
+ one egg
+ 125 milliliters milk
+ 1 teaspoon of melted butter
+ pinch of salt
+ one banana
+ Nutella

1. Mix well flour, sugar, egg, milk and pinch of salt all together in a bowl. Wrap the bowl with plastic or its lid and place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes*. You can make this batter in advance and rest it in the refrigerator overnight.
* This process is called "resting". Resting helps the bubble to disappear and relaxes the gluten so you don't have rubbery crêpe.

2. Take out the bowl from the refrigerator and add 1 teaspoon of melted butter.
Tips: If the consistency of batter is too thick, you can add more milk, and if it is too thin, you can add more flour.

3. Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and coat with little bit of oil. Carefully ladle the crêpe batter to the pan and tilt the pan to spread the batter evenly and in a round shape.

4. Flip the crêpe and cook the other side. Continue to make the crêpe... with this recipe, you can make about four medium side crêpes.

5. Stack the crêpe with paper towels to prevent the crêpes stick together.

6. Spread Nutella to half of the crêpe, and place sliced banana to quater of the crêpe.

7. Fold twice - so you can have quarter-size crêpe filled with banana and Nutella. Sprinkle powdered sugar.

8. In a plate, serve a crêpe and mixed fruit salad together.

Hope this recipe works for you and enjoy your dishes!

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